Friday, November 20, 2015
Dozens of families around the world are currently ministering healing to their own children diagnosed with genetic birth defects such as down syndrome, autism,cerebral palsy, hurler's syndrome & cystic fibrosis. We are all Christians.We share 'change reports' on the physical and mental changes in our children about once a month and thought we'd let you in on these miraculous journeys of healings. Every month we intend on spotlighting several of the children by sharing the "change reports" as given by the parents.We are the parents and we are expecting 100% recovery for our children from every diagnosis! BE ENCOURAGED! THE GOD OF THE BIBLE, OUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, IS TRULY THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE! OUR GOD IS NO RESPECTOR OF PERSONS. HE IS THE GOD WHO HEALS ALL OUR DISEASES. PSALM 103 Parent ministering healing to child diagnosed with autism and getting results!
To those of you who have received a report of autism regarding your child, I hope to offer some encouragement. Our first born daughter was diagnosed with autism at age 3. She screamed, banged her head, picked at sores until they bled terribly and ran away from me whenever I was holding her hand. She did not speak at all and only had a severe grimace on her face. My husband and I did not know about healing at this time and were involved in therapy groups and anything special education had to offer. My daughter went to a special education class at age 3 and on that first day of school, I remember all the other children hugging their parents good-bye and my little one did not know that my husband and I existed. Often times her special education class would have celebrations and the parents were invited to attend. It was a sad affair because all the children were screaming and in constant distress. it was mad chaos. Even though my husband and I were not faithfully praying as we should, (we lifted a prayer here and there and often felt defeated) God was faithful to us. God was guiding our steps despite "us". For example, potty training was tough. I was praying that God would give us wisdom on this matter. We had three autism professionals in our home one day with my daughter (age 5 at the time) experimenting on how to potty train her. It was so ridiculous that I prayed, "God! You created her! How do I teach her this?" The next week I noticed that my daughter knew her colors and the thought came from God, (forgive the detail here) "Tell her to go 'yellow' in the potty." I did this and she was potty trained that day! Reading was another example of God's faithfulness. Reading was a challenge for my daughter with no earthly cure. One day I had the closed captions on the TV by accident (or so I thought). I noticed that my daughter was intrigued by the words and the sounds from the TV. She understood that the "talking" matched the words/captions on the TV. She learned how to read within a month. God let me know what needed to be done for my daughter gently in advance before a decision needed to be made. About three years ago, he pressed me to stop speech therapy. My daughter still needed speech help but I knew that this was God's leading. So we stopped therapy. My daughter was interested in French so instead of speech class, we bought the Rosetta Stone homeschool French computer program. She loved it and could and still is practicing her speech without anyone pointing out her weaknesses. Her speech is improving daily. When she was 8, she was interested in guitar. Even though she was having difficulty learning in areas, My husband and I decided to get her a guitar and lessons. We did not have the finances to do this but God provided a super guitar teacher and the funds. Today my daughter plays at a coffee shop with her teacher periodically. Our daughter, now 12 years old, is not totally free from autism but she is not the same little girl she was years ago. Academically she is at her grade level and advanced in math and science. She has balanced emotions and can rationalize every day situations. She is an excellent friend and responsible sister to her 5 younger siblings. She can change a diaper and calm even the most irritable baby too! :) She enjoys playing the guitar, learning all things science-related, reading, is an excellent swimmer and loves the Lord. My husband and I now truly understand God's willingness to free us all from anything of darkness, to heal our sins and sickness. Our entire family has changed because we know with all that we are, that God is always for us and never against us. God is always faithful even when we are not. He is so kind too. He meets us exactly where we are whether if we are new to Christ or have been with him for years. He really does give peace that surpasses all understanding! It is settled in my heart that my daughter's future is going to be far better than I could ever imagined to ask. No one could have told me years ago that my head banging, runaway little one would play La Bamba on the guitar, bake cakes and bread unassisted, swim beautifully, read unabridged classics, carry on conversations and say, "I love you, Mom!" This is above and beyond all my prayers. God is faithful!