Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dozens of families around the world are currently ministering healing to their own children diagnosed with genetic birth defects such as down syndrome, autism,cerebral palsy, hurler's syndrome & cystic fibrosis. We are all Christians.We share 'change reports' on the physical and mental changes in our children about once a month and thought we'd let you in on these miraculous journeys of healings. Every month we intend on spotlighting several of the children by sharing the "change reports" as given by the parents.We are the parents and we are expecting 100% recovery for our children from every diagnosis! BE ENCOURAGED! THE GOD OF THE BIBLE, OUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, IS TRULY THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE! OUR GOD IS NO RESPECTOR OF PERSONS. HE IS THE GOD WHO HEALS ALL OUR DISEASES. PSALM 103

This is a testimony of a parent on Team 
Avalanche in her own words:
"I heard the song Praise me in the storm playing over and over in my head as I drove to the dr office that day. It wasn't on the radio. God gave me a gentle reminder of how he wanted me to pull myself together after the news I was about to get. The dr had called and said to come in ASAP. I was not prepared for the news that at 5 mo pregnant my child had been diagnosed with a chromosomal abnormality. After, I went through days and nights of unrest and actually begging God to change his mind and heal my baby. I did not realize at the time that disease did not come from God. I did know  that nothing was impossible for God and he created this child in my womb, her inner most being and had already recorded her name in the book of life.  I was asked if I wanted to abort my baby based on her diagnosis. My soul and spirit screamed no, God can fix this. She will not be born with this disease. I begin searching the word of God, holding on to every healing scripture, renewing my mind and truly learning who God really is and that by his stripes my baby was healed. Since I was a teenager, I told God , I truly want to know u, love u, have a relationship with u, be spiritually fit, I called it. I didn't want this experience to get me there, in all honesty. But, what Satan meant for harm and devastation, God has turned into a relationship of truth and love. Now I know Jesus, my Jesus. I always knew God saved me and protected me but not that I could truly trust and depend in him. As I prayed throughout my pregnancy, God brought people to my mind that he had healed. The word told me that He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and he is no respecter of persons. My faith grew and my heart swelled for Jesus. I was heart broken when My baby was born with her earthly diagnosis. The devil tried to take the word of God from me that I had stood on for months and months. I shouted Gods promises to me in the delivery room and was reminded that God is not a liar. I repented and got back on my feet. When I was pregnant , God gave  me a dream in which he used my mother to tell me to ask for discernment for my baby. I asked for clarity and a short while later, I turned on the tv one morning and a woman was saying, when you've done all you know to do with a situation, you've balled and squalled, begged and pleaded with God he wants you to Stand in Faith. I then truly started standing in God and holding my shield of Faith, quenching all the firing darts of the enemy. One morning I awoke to an audible mans voice that said, God makes all things whole. I praise God for making my baby whole. I have  seen the unavailing of God's glory as I saw each tube come off of her in NICU. I see Jesus strengthening Her  as her neck and core get stronger and she holds her on bottle with little assistance at 6 mo of age now. I see the light and life of Jesus in her eyes as she responds with a smile when I speak the truth of the word over her. God recently gave me another dream where She was crawling and then walking. I praise God for the manifestation of his Glory. I am reminded when I'm tired or when Satan wants to take the truth from me of a great story I heard Pastor Lisa Osteen Combs tell about prayer, who was healed of a condition like cerebral palsy at 7 mo. The story goes, two little boys were playing in this front yard. They see a back yard with a tall fence and a large gate with a latch. They really
Want to get in the back yard, so each day they jump as high as they can to try and unlatch the gate to get in. They hit it everyday, everyday until one day the latch opens. The door doesn't open so they don't know they've unlatched  it. They give up and say let's go find somewhere else to play. Little did they know if they had hit the door one last time the gate door would have come open. How do I know that the latch isn't already unlocked. I'm not going to walk away when one last push, prayer, or praise would open the door! Praise Jesus! My baby's seed is coming up and I am continually watering it with the truth of God's word. Glory to God!