When Ruby Joy was born and she spent many weeks in the hospital I remember sitting outside in my car with a friend that had come to pray for her with Another friend too. The doctors didn't know if she was going to be on oxygen for many years or might possibly walk with a walker or leg braces. This young man sat and listened to me cry and I said I just want her to do all the things I've dreamed for her like take dance class and run and play.
He prayed with me and he had some sort of supernatural confidence that God was telling him to tell me that everything would be ok and that Ruby would take dance class and do so much more than that.
Of course he was right and that oxygen came off forever a few months later.
As I watched the Ruby and her second week of class tap dancing and doing ballet and also being selected as the class leader, all I can do would look up to heaven and thank God for miracles.. And realize "of course she is class leader...she s my kid!!We crush dance class!!"
I know sometimes we grow weary and it's easy to just sit back and accept a diagnosis or accept the situation is never going to change and just get comfortable. I've been guilty of that myself but I think God for journeys like this one with Ruby as he teaches me that there is no ceiling for her or me.
One of her teachers remarked that academically they had tried to find a ceiling for her learning and they were unable to see one and once again I was able to look him in the eye and said and that my friend is proof that God not only exists but is working today. We don't except a "label" unless God gave it to us. We don't except limits or diagnosis...we don't speak it..we don't think it...we prayed whatever they said she" HAD" past tense off of it and that was the end of it. No googling...no researching...it was off of her and that was it. Unorthodox? You bet! Is it working...yep! Teachers think I'm a little left of center when I tell them I never read an IEP of hers in my life. But can they deny that she's rocking school? No way! So God is showing up and showing out!
Maybe you needed to hear this today.
Ruby s miracle life is meant to encourage people to believe for more.
Ill never stop sharing her story.