Do you find yourself looking at every child you pass- on the street, in the supermarket, at church? Do you feel like every child is a reflection of everything your child should be, but is not? You look at these children with a longing in your heart for your child to be like them.
Believe me, I know the feeling. I've been there, done that! But you should know, that while you're not alone, this comparing can be very dangerous. It is so easy to fall into this trap, believe the lies of the enemy, and get completely away from the truth. This is what the enemy wants. He wants you to compare your child and see everything they aren't. But the truth is, in Christ, they are all of those things and so much more! They were already healed! Jesus paid the price for them to be just like the children you're comparing them to- and even more than that!! Jesus paid for their perfection at the cross. With his stripes, your child was healed that day at the whipping post (1 Peter 2:24). It is perfectly acceptable for you to want your child to be "normal" and see them accomplish all of the things they were meant to. But use that longing to make it happen, not to drag you into despair. Use it to propel you forward in this battle. Let that vision of your child made whole drive you to the finish line- Heaven on earth!
A minister said that "comparing is the door for the flesh and results in lack of faith and sorrow." We must keep our eyes on the truth and not the lies. We must look past what we see with our earthly eyes and believe what's already been done for our children. If we can focus on that we will pull that reality from Heaven down to earth!
The next time you find yourself tempted to compare, just remember what Jesus did. Remember to see your child through the eyes of Christ. See them as healed, whole, and even more normal than that child you were tempted to compare them to.